Eldon Thiele aka Zwerg - reFRESH Magazine [January-February 2008 Issue]
By Editor-In-Chief, David Tickner

“Nothing moves me like music. I don’t get the same rush of endorphins and serotonin from looking at a painting…though most anything by Dali does indeed tickle my pickle.”

Country of residence

What motivated you to want a career in music?

I’ve created since I was a little tadpole. Mom says that as a toddler, I’d go through withdrawals if there wasn’t drawing paper in the house. I haven’t always wanted to be a musician, but I have always wanted to create art in some form. I’ve always known that I have to do something creative for a living, whether it be acting, visual art, or sonic art. After much trial and error, I know without a doubt that songwriting gives me the most creative satisfaction of any art form.

Nothing moves me like music. I don’t get the same rush of endorphins and serotonin from looking at a painting…though most anything by Dali does indeed tickle my pickle. …And what would film be without music?!

Music is the most expressive, emotive, riveting, cathartic, passionate think in my life. I love it. I live for it. I seem to fall more in love with it the older I get.

Also, with ZWERG, it’s my thing, not a scriptwriter’s thing, not a casting director’s thing, not a producer’s thing. It’s not contrived, calculated, or manufactured. It’s my own personal baby; and what could you love more than your own baby?

Which of your songs are you most proud of and why?

My songs are my sons, and I’m proud of all my boyz. But I will say that a very special one to me right now is “bEtHeL-hiM”, from my new LP iNTo ThE 4tH DiMeNSiOn. It’s a ballad for my maternal grandparents in Connecticut. With my grandpa’s passing, it just resonates with such poignancy.

Who are your musical inspirations?

They are numerous… but the three biggies throughout my musical formative years were always Tori Amos, Bjork and Billy Corgan. You can hear them all in my shit… well, not literally.

Complete this sentence, ‘When I get a major record contract and am earning millions I will…’

…pay off all my musical investment (ie. home studio) debts, invest in stocks, and take care of my gram and my folks as they age.

Last piece of music you bought or downloaded?

Zeitgeist by The Smashing Pumpkins.

Dodgiest piece of music in your music collection?

Oh my god… DANCE ALBUM 90, featuring ‘Milli Vanilli’, ‘Expose’, and ‘Candi’.

Tell us a secret.

Every night, I sleep in a corset.

Listen to Zwerg online at www.myspace.com/zwergband